Phonetic Alphabets
In an attempt to lighten up those tense customer telephone support
moments where you have to spell things like UNIX commands or license strings
letter by letter, I have been compiling my own phonetic alphabet where
the letter that starts each word is silent (or at least has a different
sound than the letter itself). Diseases can also be pretty funny,
so I've added an alphabetic list of those, too.
Please e-mail me
if you have words to add to the lists.
A are, aye, au, aisle, AAA
C cue, cay, Czar
D double-you
E eye, ewe, eau, el, em, en
F five (handy for alpha-numeric sequences)
G gnome, gnu
H heir, herb
I one (Roman-numeral)
J jai alai
K knee
L Chicago's version of the T, fifty (Roman-numeral)
M mnemonic
N Ngon, Ng, Nguyen
O oui, our, oenophile, one
P pneumococcus
Q quinoa
S see, sea
T tao, Tsar
U Uzbekistan
V five (Roman-numeral)
W why
X Xena-warrior-princess, ten (Roman-numeral)
Y you
Z zero
A Anisocoria
B bovine spongiform encephalopathy
C colitis
D dermatitis
E elephantiasis
F Fanconi's anemia
G gastroenteritis
H hepatitis
I infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
J japanese b encephalitis
K keratoconjunctivitis
L left lower lobe pneumonia
M meningitis
N necrotizing fasciitis
O osteochondritis
P psoriasis
Q Q fever
R retinitis
S Sydenham's chorea
T takayasu arteritis
U undulant fever
V vasculitis
W Wegener's granulomatosis
X xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis
Y yaws
Z zinc deficiency dermatitis
Phone Numbers
Try to change up the the rythym when you say phone numbers. It's also
helpful if you group pairs of numbers, for example:
617 576-0681
Sixty-one seventy-five sixty six eighty-one.
If you haven't memorized a phonetic alphabet yet,
this site can help you make it sound like you have: